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Restoring the Spirit of Camp Good Days: A Summer of Hope and Renewal
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Restoring the Spirit of Camp Good Days: A Summer of Hope and Renewal

I hope everyone had a peaceful Memorial Day weekend, spending quality time with family and friends and taking a few moments to remember and honor the men and women who have served our country.

Over the weekend, I, along with my wife, Wendy, and sister-in-law, Tamara, attended a memorial reception for Fran Russo, who was a personal friend of ours and Camp's. As we celebrated his life, we were able to see old friends and reminisce about the impact Fran had on those around him. He specially made a huge impact on Camp Good Days by sharing his many skills with us in our early years, which helped make Camp what it is today. Thinking about Fran and his influence reminds me of how far we've come and our goal to get Camp back to its pre-pandemic state.

As we work to restore Camp Good Days to its full glory, one of our main priorities is to bring more awareness to our free programs and services. No family is ever prepared to hear that their loved one has cancer, and we want to be there to support them. My biggest fear is that I will meet someone in the community who is eligible for Camp but missed out simply because they didn't know about it. This is why I feel it's crucial that we all spread this knowledge to those who need it most. So, if you know someone who qualifies for our programs and services, please tell them about us and encourage them to visit our website.

Another essential part of what makes Camp Good Days so special is our volunteers. They are part of Camp's heart and soul, and it's their dedication and passion that help make our programs possible. We're always looking for more volunteers for our summer sessions, and we provide comprehensive training to ensure that everyone feels prepared and 
comfortable. I think it's important to mention that volunteering with us is not just about giving back; it's about being part of a community that is a celebration of life with those who appreciate it the most.

If you're looking for a different way to get involved, we always need volunteers for our fundraisers throughout the year. These fundraisers are essential as they help us raise the necessary funds to continue to provide our programs and services for free. Participating in or volunteering at our fundraising events, like the Tour de Teddi or Wine Auction Gala, is a great way to support our mission and get involved.

As we look ahead to the summer, I am filled with hope and excitement for what we can achieve together. Whether you're a camper, a family member, a volunteer, or a supporter, you are a vital part of the Camp Good Days community. Let's make this summer one to remember, filled with joy, support, and the spirit of togetherness that makes Camp Good Days so special!