Camp Good Days and Special Times
Event Volunteer Application

Must be 18 years of age to apply.

All of the information provided in this form is considered confidential and is not shared with any person or agency outside of Camp Good Days and Special Times, Inc.

Required fields are denoted by*

Choosing an Event

 Information on the various events can be found in the events section of the web site. Some of the event information may have changed from the previous year.

Please select the event(s) you are interested in volunteering for. If you are selected, more detailed information about each specific event will be forwarded to you.

( Use Ctrl Key To Select Multiple )

( Use Ctrl Key To Select Multiple )

Please Read Carefully:
The information provided by me in the volunteer application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am selected, any false statements will be considered cause for possible dismissal.
By volunteering for an event, you are making a commitment for the entire session for which you are selected. Early departure from a program is unfair other volunteers.; therefore it is not encouraged.